
The vultures are already beginning to encircle,
whilst, on the ground, she unknowingly goes about her carefree life.
Imagining all is well.

they are upon her just like a dark cloud,
she is blind. Trapped. Powerless. Not knowing which way to turn.

They swoop her off her feet,
attack her, drawing blood, tearing out hair, ripping skin from her delicate body.

She is surrounded, unable to move.
Isolated. Seemingly without a soul to depend on.

The girl closes her eyes, desparately crying for someone to save her when
the enemies suddenly fly away.

Relieved, the girl watches them disappear,
her wounds healing, the scars fading.

A sense of hope fills her delicate heart,
knowing that her pain is merely temporary.
knowing that the battle is not hers.

Monday, 2 July 2012 at 12:58