It seems like such a long time since I have posted and i'm sorry for that. The past year has been so busy. Crazily busy. It hasn't been easy. In fact, the opposite. But finally i'm out. I never have to return to that prison i called school. I'm fortunate I came out with ok-ish grades, too. AAD. I also got into University. Somehow. In February I start a Nursing degree at UCS. I'm nervous because i'm afraid I won't enjoy it or i'll have similar problems and difficulties i had in Sixth Form. But hopefully, because i'm only staying at home, I won't have to socialise with them too much. In all honesty i'm just looking forward to studying, trying something new and preparing for my life long career. Until then i'm in my gap year. I'll just be working, sorting out finances and other issues in preparation for University and perhaps volunteering. I also have a few plans for the next year. I'm going on vacation at the start of October and i'm going to see JLS at the end of March. So lets hope it all goes well! I'm looking to just relax and enjoy myself after a very difficult year of A levels.
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Frozen Forever
For EternityPages
- Emily
- Ancient History. An cafe. Anime. Art Galleries. Astronomy. Alternative Fashion. Autumn. Barcelona. Blogging. Boyce Avenue. Candles. Cats. Cheerleading. Chester Bennington. Chocolate. C-pop. Classical music. Cosplay. Coffee shops. Dancing. Death Note. Dogs. Dubstep. CSS. Einaudi. Email. Fashion. Fireflight. Flowers. Gardening. Gymnastics. Goth Loli. Greece. K-pop. Korea. Hardbacks. Heavy metal. HTML. Hot drinks. House Of Night Series. Hunger Games Trilogy. JLS. JoJo. J-pop. J-Rock. Japan. Linkin Park. Long Walks. Manga. Nickelback. Paperbacks. Photography. Pokemon. Reading. Running. Screamo. Skillet. Speedway. Swimming. Star Trek Voyager. Star Trek Enterprise. Star Wars. Singing. TBM. Tanning. Travelling. Tokyo. Two Steps From Hell. Vlogging. Website Design. Wintertime. Wonder Girls. YouTube.

♥ Frozen Forever ♥
Welcome to my expression blog 'Frozen Forever'. This blog was originally created in 2010 and was just used as a personal blog of my daily doings but is now used as an emotional outlet and for creative writing! Enjoy!
♥ About Me ♥

"Trace the lines
In the night, another scar is left behind
I want the stars in your eyes
I'll have the stars in your eyes..."